The Hangleton and Knoll Project - working for a better community

Data Protection Notice

We collect and process data under the following GDPR-defined lawful basis:

(Article 6.1.f) Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.

The Hangleton and Knoll Project collect data through, registration forms for our adult learning; equal event sign-in sheets/email sign up for HKP e-newsletter; resident and learner consultation sheets and user feedback forms/evaluations.

The Hangleton and Knoll Project may use the information you have provided to report to funders, on targets, milestones and service use; we use only anonymised data to complete funding reports. We also use collected data to understand who is using our services and look for points of exclusion; to record and agree and plan our work; to raise the profile of HKP.

All original documents are kept securely by HKP, registration and equalities forms are kept for a maximum period of 2 Years at the end of this time these documents will be securely shredded by a professional certificated service.

You have the right to ask about and/or see how your data (personal information) is protected at any time. To do so either speak to a member of staff at the drop-in or Contact Lulu:

T: 01273 881446